The focus of GMM (Global Mobilization Ministries) is:
Mentoring Missional Leaders. GMM staff mentor select Missional Leaders in Eastern Africa, particularly in the area of leadership and organizational development. Mentors identify missional leaders who have a confirmed vision for mission in the region and are already leading missional ministries. Mentors guide missional leaders in strategic planning, governance, accountability, and local resource development.
- Coaching Missional “Start-Ups”. GMM staff work with “start-up” ministries to form a local Board of Directors, register the ministry with the government, development operations systems, governance, and plans for local resource development
- Training. GMM staff participate in regional training seminars on topics such as contextualized evangelism and church planting, pastoral ministry, leadership, and resource development.
Business as Mission. GMM staff work with local churches, missional leaders, and local missionaries to identify business platforms that can be used for mission outreach and also generating resources for mission work in the region. “Business as Mission” projects, to date, include a typing and photocopying business, a small “grocery” kiosk selling staple foods, a grain storage and commodities speculating business, a guest house, and a tree farm.
- Networking with other key mission leaders in Africa and around the world. GMM staff network with church leaders working in underserved communities in eastern Africa, local mission leaders in the region, churches around the world, and international NGOs and mission organizations in order to broker organizations and resources to advance the work of the Gospel among unreached people and underserved communities.